Are you noticing signs that your marriage might be struggling?
Communication problems that lead to disconnection can quickly spiral, creating a cascade of issues. When emotional connection fades, trust and emotional security often follow, affecting each partner’s investment in the relationship.
Without trust, emotional investment wanes, and the desire to meet each other’s needs decreases. This “ping-pong effect” of hurt ripples through the relationship, building resentment and blocking intimacy. Attraction fades, and all levels of connection, emotional, physical, and mental, start to diminish.
Over time, these unresolved issues can leave each person feeling low, anxious, or even exhausted. Some may feel the urge to escape, seeking to reconnect with themselves outside the marriage. The loving, energised feeling you once shared becomes harder to access, and the relationship begins to feel like a struggle.
This gradual “disconnect” is a common, well-worn path for couples who don’t know where to look or what steps to take to rebuild connection.
Why Communication is the Backbone of Every Marriage
It quickly becomes clear that communication is the backbone of any marriage. In a recent study, 95% of couples reported struggles with communication, and many lacked a clear path out of this challenge.
The good news? There’s a way to bridge these gaps and reconnect. I’ve developed a process called the Hear & Align Comprehension Model, a transformative approach designed to help couples reconnect by getting back on the same page and rebuilding emotional closeness.
What is the Hear & Align Comprehension Model?
At the heart of most communication breakdowns are misunderstandings. Communication isn’t just about words; it’s about intent and meeting each other’s emotional needs.
The Hear & Align Comprehension Model helps couples quickly get on the same page. Here’s a common example of a disconnect:
Imagine a woman saying, “You NEVER take me out.” He may focus on “NEVER” because, factually, it’s incorrect, followed by a list of all the times he took her out to prove her wrong. But her real message isn’t about accuracy; it’s about wanting to connect more with him.
In her world, she will hear his desire to be right is more important than her feeling alone or worried she is unimportant to him.
His response can either become defensive or reflect her true intent, which is that she misses time together. Many people tend to assign their own meaning to what’s being said, which can lead to entirely missing their partner’s intent.
The Hear & Align Model helps you look past the surface words and find the true meaning.
Ask Yourself:
- Am I looking for the true intent behind my partner’s words/actions?
- Do I swap judgment for curiosity? (Judging isn’t loving.)
- In each moment, am I choosing to make things better or worse?
Example: The Golf Dilemma
Let’s look at a common issue. Sarah feels upset each time her husband, John, plays golf. She starts criticising his hobby, which makes John feel controlled and defensive. He reacts negatively, and soon, she begins resenting golf even more.
Is golf really the problem? Not exactly.
Sarah realises she’s missing a connection with her husband and feels unimportant when he’s away. Instead of saying she misses him, she blames the activity, attaching her negative feelings to golf.
She was instructed not to bring energy that triggered resentment and negativity in him anymore. She had to start being honest about her feelings without the digs, criticism, and blame.
When she approached him calmly, expressing that she missed him and felt lonely, John could now understand and respond. He arranged to spend more quality time with her without giving up his hobby.
The problem wasn’t golf. It was the lack of connection and feeling unimportant. By shifting her approach, Sarah stopped approaching him with negativity and control, making space for understanding and care.
Why Misunderstandings Are So Common
The root cause of poor communication often lies in the assumption that our partners should think, feel, and respond like we do. When they don’t, frustration and resentment can grow, leading to disconnection.
To improve communication, start with three mindset shifts:
- Assume Good Intentions: Believing that your partner isn’t trying to hurt you allows room for understanding.
- Mind Reading Isn’t Possible: Expecting your partner to just “know” what you want isn’t realistic. Open communication is key.
- Let Go of Fixed Expectations: Rigid expectations lead to disappointment. Focus on mutual understanding instead.
These shifts are the foundation for curiosity, helping you see beyond surface issues and uncover your partner’s deeper emotional needs.
How to Implement the Hear & Align Model
Here’s how to start using the model in your relationship:
- Listen for Intent: Pay attention to what your partner is really trying to say, not just the words they use.
- Ask Questions, Don’t Assume: Curiosity is the antidote to conflict. When unsure, ask how your partner feels rather than assuming.
- Align Emotionally: Understand and validate your partner’s feelings to create a stronger bond.
- Check-in with Yourself: Notice your triggers and take responsibility for your reactions. Self-awareness and empathy lead to better communication.
Why Alignment Matters More Than Trying to Be Right
The true cost of poor communication is often the slow build-up and stacking of resentment, which gradually shuts down feelings.
Partners feel misunderstood, disconnected, and trapped in repeating cycles. The Hear & Align Model shifts focus from “right or wrong” to alignment, helping couples break free from arguments over surface issues and connect on a deeper, more meaningful level.
Your Next Step: Take Action to Improve Your Communication
Today, you’ve been introduced to the Hear & Align Model, a solution to one of the most destructive relationship issues: poor communication. By taking a few steps to align emotionally, you and your partner can transform your connection, build trust, and enjoy a healthier relationship.
Want more help? There are three ways below…
If you’re ready to apply this method to your relationship and start making progress, here are three ways to get started:
>>>Take the Marriage Mastery Assessment to discover your connection’s strengths and weaknesses.
>>>Get on the wait list for the Marriage Masters Blueprint Online Course, which will provide in-depth training on applying many skills and critical tools.
>>>Apply for Private Coaching if your situation is urgent and you need personalised help.
What you have discovered today is simply the start because many moving parts need focus. One key area is how to use the model above to create connection and escalating attraction.
Attraction dynamics have to underpin the couple’s exchanges and energy to make all levels of intimacy easy to reach.
“Before you go – I have a quick question for you…”
If you have read the Marriage Masters Book, we would love to know your thoughts below.