As a bride-to-be and as a woman in search of a fulfilling life, I couldn’t have been happier with Stephen. Stephen was my premarital counsellor and life coach. And he changed my life for the better.
My fiance and I met with Stephen several times as we prepared for our wedding. He worked incredibly efficiently within our budget and time zone constraints and had an almost eery ability to hone directly and immediately on the most central challenges, many times even when they weren’t what we’d expected, beginning within the first hour of our first session.
The learning curve was very steep, making each session worthwhile and packed with realizations. My fiance and I would spend the week following our sessions in deep discussion about what we were learning, and it seemed that each time we would see the other — and ourselves — with new and needed clarity.
After a remarkable journey, I learned first-hand just how critical and interrelated relationship and individual well being are. Even though our engagement did not end in marriage, I was prepared to make the decision to separate and move forward positively with my life, thanks to the skills Stephen taught me. I feel more vivacious, healthy, centered, purposeful, and internally calm than I have ever felt before.
Steering one’s way through any relationship can be a bewildering challenge, especially as the wedding date approaches and the decision becomes real. Anyone looking to improve themselves and their relationships will find a brilliant navigator in Stephen Hedger.
Thank you Stephen – Aimee. USA.