Depression is affecting my relationship: Which came first the chicken or the egg. Relationships problems can cause depression, or relationship problems can be a result of depression.
Having a depression in a relationship can put significant strain on any couple.
So getting help to deal with it is critical: There are many forms of help, but my favorite is to work with the individual and help them understand what they are doing to make depression a possibility.
Plus I help them understand if they are caught in a cycle where they are choosing depression without knowing. This can happen because they are getting something they believe they are missing from their lives, E.G. Attention: Depression can in some cases help them to get significance in the form of sympathy, caring and love which they don’t get when they are well.
How do people do depression?
Sounds like a strange question I know, but the reality is many people suffering from depression are creating behaviours that if those that were not depressed did every day, they would become depressed too.
For example: If anyone practiced all three of these activities they too would become depressed.
- If you focused on all the problems in your life.
- If you spoke to yourself in a non caring way. I.E. “I am a awful mother” or “I’m a rubbish husband”.
- If you spoke slowly, head down, shoulder hunched, arms folded.
If anyone did that for week-after-week they would become depressed too.
Of course depression and the causes can be very complicated, because there are many reason why life might not be the way it should be for the individual suffering. Plus we are chemical beings and so our chemical make up also comes into play.
The bottom line is the more you can do to help yourself through understanding how you work and how the meanings you are giving to your life is creating how you feel. The better armed you are to put depression in reverse.
If you would like more information on how I can help please contact me NOW!.