What do you do when one person says the relationship is not working and they need help and the other says there is nothing wrong with it and they are
Out of control, emotional triggers can be at the root of so many couples ending their relationships. With a shift of understanding the couples
“If you change yourself, you can change your life…”
This is probably one of the best pieces of advice I was ever given and massively affected my life direction and my own marriage. After all, it’s so
Effective communication for couples…
One of the biggest problems that couples face is in their inability to communicate in a way that creates a foundational emotional connection. So
We are never on the same page?
When couples fall in love there comes a point of shock when they realise how differently their partner thinks about critical elements of their life
Relationship boredom?
Once the excitement of the first throws of love and passion goes away and you’ve got married bought the house and you’ve had the kids what now? How
Who struggles with relationships the most?
There is a group of people who are most likely to suffer in their long-term intimate relationships. This group of people have a mission and
Who are you in your marriage?
I remember one lady sat in a session with me she told me she was sick and tired of her husband (CEO) treating her like an employee. I also noticed
Want to change how you FEEL then change the story
A simple shift of thought changed their whole life direction. One gentleman came to me with a worry that was affecting his thoughts and his sleep.