So this is an interesting question because one answer is due to problems in the marriage and the other answer is because they can. So there are
Why affairs that end in marriage rarely work
When I looked into the statistics of divorce what was interesting is that second marriages had a far higher divorce rate than first marriages. When
What counts as cheating?
Warning: Please note the topics in this post are of an adult nature. We all know what we think counts as cheating, but imagine if what you think is
How to rebuild trust in a relationship after cheating
Affairs can create a very real trauma in the mind of the person who has discovered the affair - so how can they ever trust again? It's a trauma
A thought for Sunday
One of the first coaches I ever came across said. "The brain will grow whatever you plant", so be very careful of what you keep focusing on or
Affair week starting Monday
This is more of a short heads up rather than my normal post. As someone, that deals with helping couples out of marital crisis one of the biggest
“My partner doesn’t fulfill my emotional needs…”
It's a typical message I receive in my sessions and it creates significant pain and suffering for that individual. There are a few parts to this
Attraction dynamics
Many couples are missing the foundations they will need to keep their passion and attraction for each other alive for life. There is a significant
The art of keeping it simple
Relationship problems are so complex, and with so many moving parts in the dynamic between two people of how on earth can anyone make sense of what is