Why so many don't get the life they really want. One of the people I admire most is a gentleman who was a self-made businessman. He was taught
A thought for Sunday
He put £££millions on red and lost. In my many years of helping people out of crisis every so often surprising stories turn-up, private detectives,
A thought for Sunday
If you could choose to live your dream life would you choose to have a go? Before you start reading this post this isn't a quest for how do we get
A Thought for Sunday
What if your thoughts are not you? Have you ever considered this? Well many years ago this was news to me! This was not something I would have ever
A Thought for Sunday
Love is an action, not a feeling How many people say I don't feel love for my partner anymore. How many say I love you, but I'm not in love with
A Thought for Sunday 😨
An interesting discovery about "relationship fears" is they can become self-fulfilling. Imagine a person who is worried that they are not enough
A Thought for Sunday ❤️
A lady in her 70s was talking to a young woman who was curious about what it took to make a marriage really work. This lady had been married for
A thought for Sunday
One of the first coaches I ever came across said. "The brain will grow whatever you plant", so be very careful of what you keep focusing on or
A thought for Sunday
Todays thought is a question of integrity! Below is a question many people have asked me in their sessions. Q: I’m a loving, kind person, but