It was shocking that I ended up asking myself that question, but it led me to a thought that changed the direction of my life. Today's post is about
10 Mistakes Couples in Crisis Make (And How to Avoid Them)
When a relationship feels like it’s on the brink, it’s natural to want to act fast to get to safety. But often, the steps couples take in desperation
“What If How We Treat Our Partner Shapes Who They Become?”
As part of the self-sabotage series, I wanted to focus on how our behaviours can play a significant part in our partner's behaviours and reactions to
“Sabotaging Their Marriage – Series”
Today’s post is about a hidden truth—how people sabotage their marriage without even realising it. When a marriage isn’t working, people often turn
“The Two Simple Rules for Building an Unbreakable Relationship”
There are so many ways a relationship can struggle, and if you are having a challenging time, please know you are not alone. In today's post, I want
5 Steps to Save a Marriage
Marriage problems are complex because there are often hidden forces that neither person fully understands. When unchecked, these forces can erode
Are You Making Things Better or Worse in Your Marriage?”
Today's post is about helping you discover the basics of reconnection by shifting your approach to using alignment-based communication skills. This is
“Trying to Change Your Partner? Here’s Why It’s the Quickest Way to Ruin Your Marriage”
When your marriage is struggling, focusing on what’s wrong with your partner can feel natural. After all, if they’d change, things would be fine,
“Worried It’s the End? How to Bring Back Attraction and Save Your Marriage”
If you’re in a relationship where the attraction feels lost, please take a moment before making a life-changing decision. Many people assume that