Are you part of the problem or part of the solution? The acid test is to watch your partner’s response to your actions.
If the answer is negative then this is a point to learn from.
It means what you are doing isn’t working.
The conundrum every couple has is how to create a win-win outcome. It’s a conundrum because each person is going to be totally unaware of the other person’s differences and emotional needs.
So men are treating their wives like they are men and are wondering why their wives don’t respond well.
Wives are expecting husbands to understand them unaware they are not women so will never understand without help.
Win-win means both people get the outcome they are after, with no compromises!
The model most people run will help their partner to feel they will lose so they have no choice but to battle or run away.
If at this point you can’t see another way to show up in your relationship, it doesn’t mean there isn’t one.
It just means you are in an ineffective pattern that needs to change if you want a marriage that works.
Many people assume their partner is the problem so they leave, and find someone new only to discover the same problems happening all over again.