If you imagine your life in the next 5 years or 10 years, what will it look like?
I know that you know, that if you do nothing different, then the chances are it will be the same as it is today, the only difference is you will be older with more of what you have been practising to have today.
- Maybe you have been practicing how to not trust your partner, or even yourself.
- Maybe you have been practising being your partners judge
- Maybe you have been practising worrying that you will never be enough for your partner.
- Maybe you have practised being depressed, or stressed
- Maybe you have practised overeating, or smoking, or drinking
- Maybe you have practised being unhappy for no reason
Whatever you have been practising the chances are, you will be really good at it, the question is, is this what you really want? Or is now the time for a change?
Relationship Joy or Hell
Imagine your relationship the same as it is today in 5 or 10 years time, what does that feel like? Can your see it now? What does it make you think?
- If you have an amazing relationship today how will you keep that intensity going? Just through our need for variety how can you keep this level of attraction going?
- If you have relationship full of problems and you do nothing what do you think the next five years will be like, let alone ten?
Many people are very happy to live in fear of their future, but very few are happy to plan it, craft it or take control. This is because they are under the illusion that they have no control over their future, so of course they will never do anything except wait for problems to hit them and hope that it will be ok…
You are now 80 years old…
Let’s take this from a different perspective, imagine you are 80 years old and you are looking back on your life, what life do you want to look back on.