The real power in any successful relationship is in the power of action. There is little point two people saying they love each other and only one person taking the actions which equal love to their partner.
It is critical to find out with your relationships what actions you can take that will help you be successful with them consistently.
Many individuals in a relationship dismiss the critical needs of their partner because they don’t understand them.
This approach causes problems because not only do the couple operate differently as individuals they also experience the world differently based on gender.
When one person in the relationship can only experience the world from their own perspective their partner quickly feels they have little empathy for their needs.
Learning about your partner needs without judgment is critical.
It not important you understand why you partner is in pain emotionally what’s important is you care and you take actions that prove you care in the way they want.
The key is to ask your partner and listen to what’s important to them. Listen to what your partner needs without translating into your meaning.
The goal is simple: You want your partner to feel great about themselves when they are with you.