Yesterday I touched on how I’m using attraction dynamics as means to reconnect couples.
One of the foundations of a successful couples connection is attraction, for struggling couples this is an energy they would have lost as trust for many is in question.
Without attraction at best the couple are friends.
Most couples who have broken their connection will need a trust building process.
It’s critical that process has its foundations in a process that is leading couples to rekindle their attraction.
Remember we are not rebuilding trust so they can be best friends.
This distinction is important for the longevity of their connection as reconnection with no attraction will create more stress later down the line.
If a couple can consciously build into their relationship an attraction dynamic their connection becomes far safer to be in.
In fact the process of experiencing love, passion, fun, playfulness is what helps relationships feel more secure.
I cannot stress enough how important it is to understand your attraction dynamic.
It’s why it should be built into the couples behaviours from the start of their process not an after thought once trust is rebuilt.
This way the attraction can be build organically as you cannot force these kinds of energies.
To be clear attraction is not about the physicality of the person.
Attraction at its most powerful is an energy the couple creates and when done well it solidifies trust and fuels a playful connection.
I see so many couples who are stressing their marriage because their need to connect if done wrong will kill their passion.
Attraction dynamics is about opposite energies like, masculine and feminine it’s these differences that create the spark couples enjoy.
Connection is about alignment and the same energy this has the ability to kill passion because it’s about creating alignment and sameness.
So you see the battle for couples that are struggling is the more conflict they experience will lead at least one person to look for alignment and connection.
It might be one person needs more passion and the other needs more connection these couples will struggle.
What’s important is the couple understands how to show up in their relationship so these different energies are present and allowed to thrive.
In essence, when each person feels connected to their own natural attraction dynamic and their partner has brought an energy to help them get there, they will attach attraction pleasure to their partner.
So the sexual energy that couples create is happening long before they get to the bedroom.