I’m qualified to judge if your upset is justified.
Should a partner sit in judgement of their partners’ upset or emotions?
So I meet many people who can see their partner is upset but don’t seem to care because they are sitting in judgement of their need to be upset.
- You are being overly emotional, and so your upset is unjustified.
- You shouldn’t be upset about that.
- That wouldn’t upset me; what’s wrong with you?
The problem with this level of judgement is it isn’t loving at all.
So we can argue the person who makes themselves judge needs to have the integrity of their own values and rethink their approach so they bring a loving energy which will be important to them too.
You cannot bring judgement and maintain integrity because judgeing isn’t loving.
The problem with judging someone’s upset is it’s impossible because the complexity of what creates a persons unique emotional responses.
This is why we are only qualified to judge ourselves.
If you love the person, does it really matter why they are upset to start with? Of course not!
The most significant focus should be the person you love is upset that’s what needs a caring attention first?
The why can come later? The person may not even know why they were upset again; remember that’s not up for judgement either.
People must be free to express themselves how they wish.