Many people see love dying as the end of their relationship, but what if it’s not really dead.
I have met many couples who have fallen out of love, divorced, and then fallen back in love again.
So what is happening there?
Their loved did die for one person yes of course, but then it came back because it can.
The best way to describe the feeling of love is to know where the love comes from.
Love comes from within a person.
In other words, I feel love because I become it and give it, we all like to receive love, but that isn’t where the true power sits.
The people that stop being and giving love are the ones that end up not feeling the love any more.
You see it’s not gone it’s been stopped.
Think of a mother and a newborn, the mother feels the wonderful flow of love between them, but the child is incapable of giving love so the love the mother feels is actually her own.
Love is an action and it dies if there are no acts of love.
This is how people that have never actually met fall madly in love online, they invest a lot of energy in the contribution of messages and calls and building a perfect internal vision of their future together.
What many unhappy people do is they practice not loving their partner for years, they get very good at it then tell their partner they don’t love them.
They might even say “I love you, but I’m not in love with you” like a mystical force is stopping them, so it’s the end.
Translated to mean, I have memories of love with you, but I am not actively wanting to be loving or bring my love to you.
So it isn’t the love that dies it’s the lack of motivation and investment that actually kills the desire to be a loving energy.
There are many ways to unloved someone.
Protecting yourself from them is a big driver to unloved someone.
Contempt is another.
Many couples have come to me in the state of a loss of love looking to see if the love can be reignited.
Of course love can be reignited couples are falling in and out of love all the time.
The love isn’t the problem it’s understanding what causes the love to be switched on and off is what the couples must learn.
Most couples are not connected to how to keep the love alive for life.
They live so reactively that the feelings that come and go happen by chance and the people follow the feelings like they are a truth.
Feelings are a truth in as much as the feeling is either pleasant or unpleasant but the question is who created the feeling and why?
Misunderstanding how feelings happen is the first truth a person must master because it’s those feelings that are creating a person’s life direction.
Love is one of the casualties, but other values suffer too. Many people who try to control are enslaved to their badly managed emotions and so are never free so they have to control the world around them.
Which of course never works, so they try to control even more.