What do you do when one person says the relationship is not working and they need help and the other says there is nothing wrong with it and they are happy as it is and help is not required.
I hear this type of message a lot.
So I wanted to share some thoughts to help people avoid a serious future problem.
I have seen far too many people ignore their partners cry for help and are then shocked to find themselves in the fight of their life as their partner eventually gives up all hope and files for divorce.
I hear many people have said to their partner if you are unhappy it’s your problem so go and sort out your own problems.
I’ve also heard people be sympathetic to their partners problem, but are not really interested in being empathetic or compassionate and being part of the solution or team.
The problem with not hearing or caring about a persons cry for help is they will feel that their unhappiness doesn’t matter to their partner.
If that happens that person will in the end will feel so alone and uncared for they will have no choice but be their own protector and so the relationship will no longer be of value to that person in the way they need.
A person emotionally detaching from their partner can take on average about 2 years for that person to actively leave.
So it’s really important to never ignore a cry for help.
If you are the person who has a partner that won’t seek help, you can seek help on your own to discover what you should do next.
It maybe that you are in the wrong relationship, or it might be that on your own you can support the relationship and discover ways to help your partner become successful with you too.
People don’t want to seek help for many reasons.
In my experience resistant partners often become curious about the help when the help is making the relationship better for them.