So two young men have the same back ground. They have gone to the same schools, they have the same opportunities. They are both married today. Both have children.
They both work at the same place today, the only exception is one person is a line manager and the other is the President of the company.
The question is what have these two people done differently?
The answer is simple, one person took a decision to get more training and more eduction after he left school.
Many years ago I used mentors to help me understand the success principles of life that literally changed my actions, my focus which resulted in my whole life changing to be the way I wanted it to be.
I discovered that everything that’s important to me had to become a study. Wealth, love, happiness, peace.
I realised that there were two things that would cause my life the biggest pain and one of those was not growing as a person and the other was my relationship failing.
So I decided to make ‘LOVE, relationship and passion’ a personal and professional study.
How do we love? How does love happen? How and why does love grow? How does love die? How can we keep love?
These questions and many more consumed me and what I discovered is very simple.
I thought as a young man that love just happened. I thought that you fall in love and you don’t have to do much, either you are right for each other, or you are wrong?
Well I was in for a shock, in fact a few years of shocks.
You see a relationship, a marriage has to be created and one of the big shocks was I knew very little of how to do that. I put all my time and all my money into getting educated and trained so I could develop what I learnt to consistently help couples save their families from trauma and build lasting successful lives.
Years later I am now helping couples at the point of crisis, at the point they feel that all hope has gone understand the steps they need to become successful together again.
A key part of that process is education and training.
Creating and growing a relationship, or a marriage takes skill and understanding. It takes skills that are not taught from schools, or from parents.
I am now developing training for couples at different stages of their relationship. This training takes 4 hours is completed in just one day and is private so you can ask questions about your specific concerns.
So who is this relationship training for?
- If you are about to get married.
- If you just want a better marriage.
- If you have problems you don’t know how to solve.
- If you are at the point of crisis, but splitting up feels wrong.
- Even if your not in a relationship and just want to learn the core principals
From the ground up I will spend 3 hours sharing with you how to build a successful relationship. We will then spend one hour answering questions and applying what you have learnt to your relationship.
- This training will be held in Harley Street.
- The fee will be £2000 to creating the skills for a secure and loving future.
If you are interested in this training on your own, or with your partner please register your interest below.