Be aware that if you build a wall of protection around you in your relationship three things will happen:
- You will numb yourself from feeling pain.
- You will block any positive advances from your partner.
- You will block and shut down your ability to feel towards your partner.
The wall serves the purpose of creating the CERTAINTY the person needs, BUT it will disconnect the person from their partner.
This disconnection helps the person to feel that their relationship is dead, this is not always true. The feelings can be dormant rather than dead.
So couples can end their relationship though a lack of understanding.
One of the questions you can ask is this: Is my partner trying to hurt me?
You will probably discover that even though your partner does hurt you that is not their intent. What hurts can be their sheer frustration at not being able to get through.
Knowing your partner is NOT trying to hurt you is one of the green lights to exploring the potential in the relationship.